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THG Debating Club claims victory over Ellentalgymnasium

In the course of this year's Junior League, our THG debaters successfully won the third round of this year's debating competition. Isabelle Weihs, Maria Mazuronak, Theresa Müller with the support of Julia Kleinhenz and Lea Podnebesnyj won against Ellentalgymnasium Bietigheim-Bissingen in an impromptu debate on the motion "This house would ban unpaid internship". The session was held in an online zoom-conference, which was a new and unusual situation. Yet, our debaters mastered the situation with flying colours.

The second debate on whether schools should make an effort to include minority authors in their curricula against Landesgymnasium für Hochbegabte (LGH) came to a close run with the better end for the latter ones. We congratulate our debaters and look forward to the next rounds which will be played after the Easter break.