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Tremendous Success: THG Debaters – Qualified for Junior Finals in Tübingen

Tübingen, we’re coming for you!

Our THG Debaters, coached by Ms Fix, have won five out of six debates in this current season's Junior League. The Juniors achieved position four in the ranking of the Junior League South of the Debating Society Germany E.V. The best eleven teams qualified for a finals weekend in Tübingen which makes THG Debaters one of them. We will compete against the ten best schools in the South and West of Germany from the 5th to 7th July. Keep your fingers crossed for us! Further success can be claimed due to two of our debaters, Ariana Fixel and Sophia Küchler, rank third and second within the top 100 individual speakers.

In our last two debates at Parler-Gymnasium in Schwäbisch Gmünd, the debaters convinced the adjudicators that a sugar tax should not be implemented. In the impromptu round they dealt with the topic of private schooling. During our last trip we were further supported by former Senior Debaters from year eleven and J1 who helped out as shadow judges. We had a blast and are glad to had been able to show our skills to the competing teams and enjoyed the discussions very much. Shoutout goes to all team members, be it those debating, or those helping preparing impromptus, researching, or providing the team with snacks.

Tübingen, we’re coming for you!