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THG Debating Club claims 1st round victory against ISF in Junior League Debating

THG Debating Club has won their first of six rounds of this year’s Junior League debating competition against International School Frankfurt Rhein-Main. Clara Mohrenweiser, Maria Mazuronak, Mona Zeller with the support of Ronja Brenner and Lea Podnebesnyj won the impromptu debate on the motion "This house would not watch political TV shows". Injury-hit by the sudden drop out of regular third speaker Theresa Müller the team managed to build a strong and convincing attack on the motion putting the focus on the necessity of political information via traditional media. The session was held in an online zoom-conference and our debaters mastered the situation with flying colours.

The second round on whether schools should prioritize the teaching of practical skills over general knowledge unfortunately got lost against Landesgymnasium für Hochbegabte (LGH) in a close decision. We congratulate our debaters and look forward to the next rounds which will take place in February.