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Debating Junior League

Ring frei für Runde 1: Erfolgreicher Start in die Debating Junior League in Ulm

On 27 January 2023 seven 8th-graders and their coach set out for Ulm. It was their first official participation in the Junior’s League. Needless to say that it was a very exciting day.

Ulm welcomed us with snow and after catching a glimpse of the Ulm Minster, we headed to the Schubart Gymnasium, our host for the day. We were welcomed very warmly with a huge cake buffet. Having taken some refreshments, the moment arrived: the revelation of the impromptu motion. THG had to oppose the motion: This house believes climate-activists should stop blocking roads. Unfortunately, the THG-debaters did not manage to convince the judges. However, the THG-debaters should not be underestimated. After the “warm-up” they were unstoppable and won the prepared debate with the motion: THW not go to university, debating for proposition here. We cannot wait for the next motion to be announced. Brace yourselves, the THG-juniors have sharp tongues.